Friday, March 7, 2008

Unit 7: Twist and Shout

The "Twist and Shout" chart has a few new elements in it that you will be responsible for on the written quiz such as: Coda (end), Segno (sign), and D.S. al Coda (go to the sign and then to coda) as well as review of first and second endings, one and two-measure repeat signs. The written quiz will also ask you to point out the key signature, time signature and clef. Above all, be sure you can follow the "roadmap" of the piece - i.e. What measure do you go back to after the first ending? When do you go to the coda? A good way to study this is to listen to a recording of the piece while looking at the lead sheet. Do it a few times to get familiar with the form.

The "Twist and Shout" lead sheet gives the Tab for the opening riff, and the solo after the second ending. You are responsible for playing both in class for a grade as well as playing the chord progression with the new chord "A". Here's the main riff as it appears on the lead sheet I passed out in class:

The performance critera are based on possible points for:
10 Guitar in tune.
10 Keeping a steady beat while playing the example.
10 Correct fingering for chords and single note lines.
10 Following the chart correctly.
10 Clarity of notes and chords.

50 points is a perfect score.

Good Luck!

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