Thursday, February 28, 2008

Unit 5: 5th Chords

How appropriate that our 5th meeting is a discussion of 5th chords- and some practice of "Love me Do" and "Saving Grace".

At the end of "Saving Grace", the guitarist plays the I,IV,V chord progression as 5th chords- AKA power chords. They have no third, so therefore have no tonality (Not major or minor)The notation looks like this C5,F5,G5 instead of C,F,G.

The F chord is in the first fret, and I illustrate how the F major voicing they learned last week fits on top of the Root and the Fifth of the F5 chord. Together, they form a complete 6 string voicing.

We play a bunch od classic 5th chord tunes too- Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana, and Iron Man by Black Sabbath.

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