Monday, March 31, 2008

Unit 12: Riff Based Songs

Down on the Corner is a classic rock song by Creedence Clearwater Revival. It's an excellent example of a riff based tune, and its in the guitar-friendy key of C. The progression is :/I /V I/: This part makes up the riff over those chords, and it's played twice making up the A section.
--C----------------G----------C ---


The next part of the tune - the B section - is transposed up a fourth to the IV chord. In this key, it's F. The riff has a different ending note than the A section, however. The B section is played once.
--F----------------C---------G ----


The form is rounded out by playing the A section again, so the complete form for the verses in this song is AABA. Now let's look at the chorus:

The chorus is a IV,I,V,I progression in the key of C. Note that all of the root notes are in the 3rd fret. Cool eh?

"(F)Down on the (C)corner (G)out in the (C)street..."

Your quiz content will be to play the riff in AABA form and to play the chords to the chorus.

Good Luck!

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